sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2010

Order Of The Solar Temple

The Order of the Solar Temple also known as Ordre du Temple Solaire (OTS) in French, and the International Chivalric Organization of the Solar Tradition or simply as The Solar Temple was a secret society based upon the modern myth of the continuing existence of the Knights Templar (see Origins of the Solar Temple below). OTS was started by Joseph Di Mambro and Luc Jouret in 1984 in Geneva as l'Ordre International Chevaleresque de Tradition Solaire (OICTS) and renamed Ordre du Temple Solaire.

Some historians allege that the Solar Temple originates with French author Jacques Breyer who established a Sovereign Order of the Solar Temple in 1952. In 1968, a schismatic order was renamed the Renewed Order of the Solar Temple (ROTS) under the leadership of French right-wing political activist Julien Origas. Some reports have claimed that Origas was a Nazi SS member during World War II[citation needed].


According to "Peronnik" (a pseudonym of temple member Robert Chabrier) in his book, "Pourquoi la Résurgence de l'Ordre du Temple? Tome Premier: Le Corps" ("Why a Revival of the Order of the Solar Temple? Vol. One: The Body") 1975, pp. 147–149 [1], the aims of the Order of the Solar Temple included: establishing "correct notions of authority and power in the world"; an affirmation of the primacy of the spiritual over the temporal; assisting humanity through a great "transition"; preparing for the Second Coming of Jesus as a solar god-king; and furthering a unification of all Christian churches and Islam. The group reportedly drew some inspiration for its teachings from British occultist Aleister Crowley, who headed the Order of Eastern Temple from 1923 until his death in 1947, and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a 19th century Rosicrucian Order Crowley belonged to briefly.[2] Both occult groups had a grade system somewhat similar to the Solar Temple. Another Rosicrucian group, the Rosicrucian Fellowship headed by Max Heindel, also mentioned Rosicrucians worship Christ as "The Solar Logos" (Rays from the Cross Magazine, June, 1933), although this is not traditional Christian doctrine. 

There were Solar Temple lodges in Morin Heights and Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade, Quebec, Canada, as well as in Australia, Switzerland, Martinique and other countries. The Temple's activities were a mix of early Protestant Christianity and New Age philosophy using variously adapted Freemason rituals. Jouret was interested in attractive, wealthy and influential members, and it was reputed that several affluent Europeans were secret members of the group..


According to the literature of the OTS, the central authority was the Synarchy of the Temple, whose membership was secret. Its top 33 members were known as the Elder Brothers of the Rosy Cross (an alternative name for the Rosicrucians), and were headquartered in Zürich, Switzerland. The Council of the Order formed Lodges which were run by a Regional Commander and three Elders. Progression in the Order was by levels and grades, with three grades per level – the levels being The Brothers of Parvis, The Knights of the Alliance and the Brothers of the Ancient Times in ascending order. There were many organizations associated with the OTS including the International Archedia Sciences and Tradition, Archedia Clubs, Menta Clubs, Agata Clubs and Atlanta Clubs, all of which offered the teachings of Luc Jouret both to the general public and privately to OTS members. The Lodges had altars, rituals and costumes. Members were initiated at each stage of advancement in ceremonies which included expensive purchases, jewellery, costumes, regalia, and the payment of initiation fees. During ceremonies, members wore Crusader-type robes and were to hold in awe a sword which Di Mambro said was an authentic Templar artifact, given to him a thousand years ago in a previous life.

Mass murders and suicides

In October 1994 Tony Dutoit's infant son (Emmanuel Dutoit), aged three months, was killed at the group's centre in Morin Heights, Quebec. The baby had been stabbed repeatedly with a wooden stake. It is believed that Di Mambro ordered the murder, because he identified the baby as the Anti-Christ described in the Bible. He believed that the Anti-Christ was born into the order to prevent Di Mambro from succeeding in his spiritual aim.

A few days later, Di Mambro and twelve followers performed a ritual Last Supper. A few days after that, apparent mass suicides and murders were conducted at Cheiry and Salvan, two villages in Western Switzerland, and at Morin Heights — 15 inner circle members committed suicide with poison, 30 were killed by bullets or smothering, and 8 others were killed by other causes. In Switzerland, many of the victims were found in a secret underground chapel lined with mirrors and other items of Templar symbolism. The bodies were dressed in the order's ceremonial robes and were in a circle, feet together, heads outward, most with plastic bags tied over their heads; they had each been shot in the head. It is believed that the plastic bags were a symbol of the ecological disaster that would befall the human race after the OTS members moved on to Sirius. It is also believed that these bags were used as part of the OTS rituals, and that members would have voluntarily worn them without being placed under duress. There was also evidence that many of the victims in Switzerland were drugged before they were shot. Other victims were found in three ski chalets; several dead children were lying together. The tragedy was discovered when officers rushed to the sites to fight the fires which had been ignited by remote-control devices. Farewell letters left by the believers stated that they believed they were leaving to escape the "hypocrisies and oppression of this world."

A mayor, a journalist, a civil servant and a sales manager were found among the dead in Switzerland. Records seized by the Quebec police showed that some members had personally donated over $1 million to the group's leader Joseph Di Mambro. There was also another attempted mass suicide of the remaining members which was thwarted in the late 1990s[citation needed]. All the suicide/murders and attempts occurred around the dates of the equinoxes and solstices in some relation to the beliefs of the group.

Another massacre related to the OTS took place during the night between the 15 and 16 December 1995. On the 23 December 1995, 16 bodies were discovered in a star-formation in the Vercors region in France. It was found later that 2 of them shot the others and then committed suicide by firearm and immolation.

On the morning of March 23, 1997, five members of the OTS took their own lives in Saint-Casimir, Quebec. A small house exploded into flames, leaving behind five charred bodies for the police to pull from the rubble. Three teenagers aged 13, 14 and 16, the children of one of the couples that died in the fire, were discovered in a shed behind the house, alive but heavily drugged.

Michael Tabachnik, an internationally renowned Swiss musician and conductor, was arrested as a leader of the Solar Temple in the late 1990s. He was indicted for "participation in a criminal organization," and murder. He came to trial in Grenoble, France during the spring of 2001 and was acquitted. French prosecutors appealed the verdict and an appellate court ordered a second trial beginning October 24, 2006. He was again cleared less than two months later on December 20.[3]

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Order Of The Solar Temple News Clip:

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sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2010

As Profecias Do Apocalipse (Cracking the Apocalypse Code)

Info About The Book Subject & Related:

The Book of Revelation is the final book of the New Testament. The title came into usage from the first word of the book in Koine Greek: apokalypsis, meaning "unveiling" or "revelation" (the author himself not having provided a title). It is also known as the Book of the Revelation of Saint John the Divine or the Apocalypse of John, (both in reference to its author) or the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ (in reference to its opening line) or simply Revelation, (often dubbed "Revelations" in contrast to the singular in the original Koine) or the Apocalypse. The word "apocalypse" is also used for other works of a similar nature in the literary genre of apocalyptic literature. Such literature is "marked by distinctive literary features, particularly prediction of future events and accounts of visionary experiences or journeys to heaven, often involving vivid symbolism."[1] The Book of Revelation is the only apocalyptic document in the New Testament canon, though there are short apocalyptic passages in various places in the Gospels and the Epistles.[2]


1 Authorship
1.1 Early theories
1.2 Traditional theory
1.3 Modern theories
1.4 Dating
1.5 Canonical history
2 Content
2.1 Text reconstruction
2.2 Literary structure
2.3 Narrative criticism
2.4 Figures in Revelation
3 Outline
4 Interpretations
4.1 Religious interpretations
4.1.1 Eastern Orthodox interpretation
4.1.2 Paschal liturgical interpretation
4.1.3 Seventh-day Adventist interpretation
4.1.4 Esoteric interpretation
4.1.5 Radical discipleship interpretation
4.1.6 Paschal spiritual interpretation
4.2 Aesthetic and literary interpretations
4.3 Academic interpretations
4.4 Criticism
5 Old Testament origins
6 See also
7 Notes
8 References
9 External links

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Apocalypticism is the religious belief that there will be an apocalypse, a term which originally referred to a revelation of God's will, but now usually refers to belief that the world will come to an end time very soon, even within one's own lifetime. This belief is usually accompanied by the idea that civilization, as we know it, will soon come to a tumultuous end with some sort of catastrophic global event such as war. Apocalypticism is often conjoined with esoteric knowledge that will likely be revealed in a major confrontation between good and evil forces, destined to change the course of history. Apocalypses can be viewed as good, evil, ambiguous or neutral, depending on the particular religion or belief system promoting them. They can appear as a personal or group tendency, an outlook or a perceptual frame of reference, or merely as expressions in a speaker's rhetorical style.

1 Jewish apocalypticism
2 Christian apocalypticism
2.1 Jesus' apocalypticism
2.2 Year 1000
2.3 Domesday Book
2.4 Fifth Monarchy Men
2.5 Isaac Newton and the end of the world in 2060
2.6 Millerites and Seventh-day Adventists
3 Apocalypticism in Islam
4 Apocalypticism in contemporary culture
4.1 UFO Religions
4.2 Y2K
4.3 Harold Camping and his 2011 end times prediction
4.4 Mayan calendar 2012
5 See also
5.1 General
5.2 Christian premillennial apocalyptic writers
5.3 Apocalyptic movements
5.4 Millenarian cults
6 Further reading (chronological)
7 References

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O Código Da Bíblia (The Bible Code)

Info About The Book & Related (in english):


The Bible Code is a best-selling book by Michael Drosnin, first published in 1997. A sequel, The Bible Code II, was published in 2002 and also reached best-seller status.

Drosnin describes an alleged "Bible code", in which messages are encoded in the Hebrew bible. The messages are purported to be hidden in the Torah, and can be deciphered by placing the letters of various Torah passages at equal intervals in a text that has been formatted to fit inside a graph.

Drosnin suggests that the Code was written by extraterrestrial life (which he claims also brought the DNA of the human genetic code to Earth). Drosnin elaborates on this theory in The Bible Code II, suggesting that the alien who brought the code left the key to the code in a steel obelisk. Drosnin attempted to find this obelisk, which he believes is buried near the Dead Sea.

Drosnin's book is based on the technique described in the paper "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis" by Professor Eliyahu Rips of the Hebrew University in Israel with Doron Witztum and Yoav Rosenberg. The Bible Code makes numerous predictions and post-diction, such as the coming (not having come to pass) of the apocalypse in 2006, and a claim of "proof" that Lee Harvey Oswald was destined to assassinate John F. Kennedy.

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The Bible code (Hebrew: צפנים בתנ"ך‎), also known as the Torah code, is a purported set of secret messages encoded within the text Hebrew Bible and describing prophesies and other guidance regarding the future. This hidden code has been described as a method by which specific letters from the text can be selected to reveal an otherwise obscured message. Though Bible codes have been postulated and studied for centuries, the subject has been popularized in modern times by Michael Drosnin's book The Bible Code.

Many examples have been documented in the past. One cited example is that by taking every 50th letter of the Book of Genesis starting with the first taw, the Hebrew word "torah" is spelled out. The same happens in the Book of Exodus. Modern computers have been used to search for similar patterns and more complex variants, and published in a peer-reviewed academic journal in 1994. Proponents hold that it is exceedingly unlikely such sequences could arise by chance, while skeptics and opponents hold that such sequences do often arise by chance, as demonstrated on other Hebrew and English texts.[citation needed]


Contemporary discussion and controversy around one specific encryption method became widespread in 1994 when Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips and Yoav Rosenberg published a paper, "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis", in the scientific journal Statistical Science.[1] The paper, which was presented by the journal as a "challenging puzzle", presented strong statistical evidence that biographical information about famous rabbis was encoded in the text of the Book of Genesis, centuries before those rabbis lived.

Since then the term "Bible codes" has been popularly used to refer specifically to information encrypted via this ELS method.

Since the Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg (WRR) paper was published, two conflicting schools of thought regarding the "codes" have emerged among proponents. The traditional (WRR) view of the codes is based strictly on their applicability to the Torah, and asserts that any attempt to study the codes outside of this context is invalid. This is based on a belief that the Torah is unique among biblical texts in that it was given directly to mankind (via Moses) in exact letter-by-letter sequence and in the original Hebrew language.

Equidistant Letter Sequence method

The primary method by which purportedly meaningful messages have been extracted is the Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS). To obtain an ELS from a text, choose a starting point (in principle, any letter) and a skip number, also freely and possibly negative. Then, beginning at the starting point, select letters from the text at equal spacing as given by the skip number. For example, the bold letters in this sentence form an ELS. With a skip of -4, and ignoring the spaces and punctuation, the word safest is spelled out.

Often more than one ELS related to some topic can be displayed simultaneously in an ELS letter array. This is produced by writing out the text in a regular grid, with exactly the same number of letters in each line, then cutting out a rectangle. In the example below, part of the King James Version of Genesis (26:5–10) is shown with 33 letters per line. ELSs for BIBLE and CODE are shown. Normally only a smaller rectangle would be displayed, such as the rectangle drawn in the figure. In that case there would be letters missing between adjacent lines in the picture, but it is essential that the number of missing letters be the same for each line.

Although the above examples are in English texts, Bible codes proponents usually use a Hebrew Bible text. For religious reasons, most Jewish proponents use only the Torah (Genesis–Deuteronomy).

[edit] ELS extensionsOnce a specific word has been found as an ELS, it is natural to see if that word is part of a longer ELS consisting of multiple words.[2] For example, in the middle of the rightmost column of the boxed matrix above is the ELS "he". After searching immediately above and below this ELS, we see another ELS ("toe") that is right below the "he" ELS. Code pioneers Haralick and Rips have published an example of a longer, extended ELS, which reads, "Destruction I will call you; cursed is Bin Laden and revenge is to the Messiah."[3]

ELS extensions that form phrases or sentences are of interest. Bible code proponents claim that the longer the extended ELS, the less likely it is to be the result of chance.[4]

ELS extensions

Once a specific word has been found as an ELS, it is natural to see if that word is part of a longer ELS consisting of multiple words.[2] For example, in the middle of the rightmost column of the boxed matrix above is the ELS "he". After searching immediately above and below this ELS, we see another ELS ("toe") that is right below the "he" ELS. Code pioneers Haralick and Rips have published an example of a longer, extended ELS, which reads, "Destruction I will call you; cursed is Bin Laden and revenge is to the Messiah."[3]

ELS extensions that form phrases or sentences are of interest. Bible code proponents claim that the longer the extended ELS, the less likely it is to be the result of chance.[4]


Jewish culture has a long tradition of interpretation, annotation, and commentary regarding the Bible, leading to both exegesis and eisegesis (insightful and false interpretations). The Bible code can be viewed as a part of this tradition, albeit one of the more controversial parts. Throughout history, many Jewish, and later Christian, scholars have attempted to find hidden or coded messages within the Bible's text, notably including Isaac Newton.[5][6]

The 13th-century Spanish Rabbi Bachya ben Asher may have been the first[citation needed] to describe an ELS in the Bible. His four-letter example related to the traditional zero-point of the Hebrew calendar. Over the following centuries there are some hints that the ELS technique was known, but few definite examples have been found from before the middle of the 20th century. At this point many examples were found by the Slovak Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandl and published by his students after his death in 1957. Nevertheless, the practice remained known only to a few until the early 1980s, when some discoveries of an Israeli school teacher Avraham Oren came to the attention of the mathematician Eliyahu Rips at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Rips then took up the study together with his religious studies partners Doron Witztum and Alexander Rotenberg, and several others.

Rips and Witztum designed computer software for the ELS technique and subsequently found many examples. About 1985, they decided to carry out a formal test, and the "Great rabbis experiment" was born. This experiment tested the hypothesis that ELS's of the names of famous rabbinic personalities and their respective birth and death dates form a more compact arrangement than could be explained by chance. Their definition of "compact" was complex but, roughly, two ELSs were compactly arranged if they can be displayed together in a small window. When Rips et al carried out the experiment, the data was measured and found to be statistically significant, supporting their hypothesis.

The "great rabbis experiment" went through several iterations, and was eventually published in 1994, in the peer-reviewed journal Statistical Science. Prior to publication, the journal's editor, Robert Kass, subjected the paper to three successive peer reviews by the journal's referees, who according to Kass were "baffled". Though still skeptical,[7] none of the reviewers had found any flaws. Understanding that the paper was certain to generate controversy, it was presented to readers in the context of a "challenging puzzle."

Witztum and Rips also performed other experiments, most of them successful, though none were published in journals. Another experiment, in which the names of the famous rabbis were matched against the places of their births and deaths (rather than the dates), was conducted in 1997 by Harold Gans, former Senior Cryptologic Mathematician for the United States National Security Agency.[8] Again, the results were interpreted as being meaningful and thus suggestive of a more than chance result.[9] These Bible codes became known to the public primarily due to the American journalist Michael Drosnin, whose book The Bible Code (Simon and Schuster, 1997) was a best-seller in many countries. Rips issued a public statement that he did not support Drosnin's work or conclusions;[10] even Gans has said that although the book states that the codes in the Torah can be used to predict future events: This is absolutely unfounded. There is no scientific or mathematical basis for such a statement, and the reasoning used to come to such a conclusion in the book is logically flawed.[11] In 2002, Drosnin published a second book on the same subject, called Bible Code II: the Countdown. The Jewish outreach group Aish-HaTorah employs Bible Codes in their Discovery Seminars to persuade secular Jews of the divinity of the Torah, and to encourage them to trust in its traditional Orthodox teachings. Use of Bible code techniques also spread into certain Christian circles, especially in the United States. The main early proponents were Yakov Rambsel, who is a Messianic Jew, and Grant Jeffrey. Another Bible code technique was developed in 1997 by Dean Coombs (also Christian). Various pictograms are claimed to be formed by words and sentences using ELS.[12]

Since 2000, physicist Nathan Jacobi, an agnostic Jew, and engineer Moshe Aharon Shak, an orthodox Jew, claim to have discovered hundreds of examples of lengthy, extended ELSs.[13] The number of extended ELSs at different lengths is compared with those expected from a non-encoded text, as determined by a formula from Markov chain theory.[14]


The primary objection advanced against Bible codes is that information theory does not prohibit "noise" from appearing to be sometimes meaningful. Thus, if data chosen for ELS experiments are intentionally or unintentionally "cooked" before the experiment is defined, similar patterns can be found in texts other than the Torah. Although the probability of an ELS in a random place being a meaningful word is small, there are so many possible starting points and skip patterns that many such words can be expected to appear, depending on the details chosen for the experiment, and that it is possible to "tune" an ELS experiment to achieve a result which appears to exhibit patterns that overcome the level of noise.

Criticism of the original paper

In 1999, four authors, the Australian mathematician Brendan McKay, the Israeli mathematicians Dror Bar-Natan and Gil Kalai, and the Israeli psychologist Maya Bar-Hillel (collectively known as "MBBK") published a paper in Statistical Science, in which they argue that the case of Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg (WRR) is "fatally defective, indeed that their result merely reflects on the choices made in designing their experiment and collecting the data for it."[15] The MBBK paper was reviewed anonymously by four professional statisticians prior to publication. In the introduction to the paper, Robert Kass, the Editor of the Journal who previously had described the WRR paper as a "challenging puzzle" wrote that "considering the work of McKay, Bar-Natan, Kalai and Bar-Hillel as a whole it indeed appears, as they conclude, that the puzzle has been solved".[7]

In the MBBK paper, the authors present the following arguments:

- that because of problems in WRR's test method, the results of WRR's 1994 paper "may reflect (at least to some extent) uninteresting properties of the word list [the appellation-date word pairs] rather than an extraordinary property of Genesis,"[16] and that the test method used by WRR has properties that make it "exceptionally susceptible to systematic bias."[17]

- that WRR had many choices available when selecting the appellations, the dates, and the date forms.[18]

- that, despite the claims by WRR and S. Z. Havlin that Havlin prepared the appellations independently, the earliest available documents on the experiments do not state that the lists of appellations were prepared by an independent expert. Similarly, the authors quote a 1985 lecture by Eliyahu Rips, in which he describes the appellation selection process as taking "every possible variant that we considered reasonable", and makes no mention of Havlin or an independent expert.[19]

- that, by adding some appellations and removing some appellations from WRR's list 2, and then repeating the test on the initial 78,064 letters (the length of Genesis) of a Hebrew translation of War and Peace, they achieved a significance level of one in a million. The authors say this shows that "the freedom provided just in the selection of appellations is sufficient to explain the strong result" in WRR's 1994 paper.[20]

- The authors present a "study of variations", in which they repeated the experiments many times, each time making one or more minimal changes to the test method, the dates, or the date forms.[21] The authors conclude that "only a small fraction of variations made WRR's result stronger and then usually by only a small amount ... we believe that these observations are strong evidence for tuning ... "[22]

- The authors present experiments they conducted which they say show that some results of experiments by WRR and Harold Gans are "too good to be true." That is, some of the results are statistically improbable even if one accepts that WRR's hypothesis is true. The authors say that these studies "give support to the theory that WRR's experiments were tuned toward an overly idealized result consistent with the common expectations of statistically naïve researchers."[23]

- The authors present multiple experiments they conducted in which they attempted to replicate WRR's experiments. The authors used an independent expert to prepare the appellations and dates for each of these experiments. The authors report that the results of these attempted replications were negative.[24]

- that the available evidence indicates that the text of Genesis used by WRR is substantially different from its original form, and that ELSs with large skips (which WRR's experiments rely on) could not survive such changes.[25]

From these observations, MBBK created an alternative hypothesis to explain the "puzzle" of how the codes were discovered. MBBK's claim, in essence, was that the WRR authors had cheated[26][27] MBBK went on to describe the means by which the cheating might have occurred, and demonstrate the tactic as presumed.

MBBK's refutation was not strictly mathematical in nature, rather it asserted that the WRR authors and contributors had intentionally or unintentionally (a) selected the names and/or dates in advance and (b) designed their experiments to match their selection and thereby achieved their "desired" result. The MBBK paper argued that the ELS experiment is extraordinarily sensitive to very small changes in the spellings of appellations, and that the WRR result "merely reflects on the choices made in designing their experiment and collecting the data for it."

The MBBK paper demonstrated that this "tuning", when combined with what MBBK asserted was available "wiggle" room, was capable of generating a result similar to WRR's Genesis result in a Hebrew translation of War and Peace. Psychologist and MBBK co-author Maya Bar-Hillel subsequently summarized the MBBK view that the WRR paper was a hoax, an intentionally and a carefully designed "magic trick".[28]

The Bible codes (together with similar arguments concerning hidden prophecies in the writings of Shakespeare) have been quoted as examples of the Texas sharpshooter fallacy.

Replies to MBBK's criticisms

Harold Gans has argued that MBBK's hypothesis implies a conspiracy between WRR and their co-contributors to fraudulently tune the appellations in advance. Gans argues that the conspiracy must include Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips, and S. Z. Havlin, because all of them say that Havlin compiled the appellations independently. Gans argues further that such a conspiracy must include the multiple rabbis who have written a letter confirming the accuracy of Havlin's list. Finally, argues Gans, such a conspiracy must also include the multiple participants of the cities experiment conducted by Gans (which includes Gans himself). Gans concludes that "the number of people necessarily involved in [the conspiracy] will stretch the credulity of any reasonable person."[29]

Brendan McKay has replied that he and his colleagues have never accused Havlin or Gans of participating in a conspiracy. Instead, says McKay, Havlin likely did what WRR's early preprints said he did: he provided "valuable advices". Similarly, McKay accepts Gans' statements that Gans did not prepare the data for his cities experiment himself. McKay concludes that "there is only ONE person who needs to have been involved in knowing fakery, and a handful of his disciples who must be involved in the cover-up (perhaps with good intent)."[30]

The WRR authors issued a series of responses regarding of the claims of MBBK,[31] including the claim that no such tuning did or even could have taken place.[32] An earlier WRR response to a request by MBBK authors presented results from additional experiments that used the specific "alternate" name and date formats which MBBK suggested had been intentionally avoided by WRR.[33] Using MBBK's alternates, the results WRR returned showed equivalent or better support for the existence of the codes, and so challenged the "wiggle room" assertion of MBBK. In the wake of the WRR response, author Bar-Natan issued a formal statement of non-response.[34] After a series of exchanges with McKay and Bar-Hillel, WRR author Witztum responded in a new paper[35] claiming that McKay had used smoke screen tactics in creating several straw man arguments, and thereby avoided the points made by WRR authors refuting MBBK.[36] Witztum also claimed that, upon interviewing a key independent expert contracted by McKay for the MBBK paper, that some experiments performed for MBBK had validated, rather than refuted the original WRR findings, and questioned why MBBK had expunged these results from their paper. McKay replied to these claims.[37]

No publication in a peer reviewed scientific journal has appeared refuting MBBK's paper. In 2006, three new Torah Codes papers were published at the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06).[38] Each of the three works was supported by Yuri Pikover, founder of the company Xylan (acquired in 1999 by Alcatel).

Robert Aumann, a notable game theorist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2005, has followed the Bible Code research and controversy for many years. He wrote:[39] "Though the basic thesis of the research seems wildly improbable, for many years I thought that an ironclad case had been made for the codes; I did not see how 'cheating' could have been possible. Then came the work of the 'opponents' (see, for example, McKay, Bar-Natan, Bar-Hillel and Kalai, Statistical Science 14 (1999), 149–173). Though this work did not convince me that the data had been manipulated, it did convince me that it could have been; that manipulation was technically possible. "After a long and interesting analysis of the experiment and the dynamics of the controversy, stating for example that "almost everybody included [in the controversy] made up their mind early in the game" Aumann concluded:

"A priori, the thesis of the Codes research seems wildly improbable... Research conducted under my own supervision failed to confirm the existence of the codes - though it also did not establish their non-existence. So I must return to my a priori estimate, that the Codes phenomenon is improbable". [40]

Criticism of Michael Drosnin

Journalist Drosnin's books have been criticized by some who believe that the Bible Code is real but that it cannot predict the future.[41] On Drosnin's claim of Rabin's death, Drosnin wrote in his book "The Bible Code" (published in 1997) on page 120; "Yigal Amir could not be found in advance". This is very telling in that dangerous period of Israeli politics from the Oslo Accords of 1993 to the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin on November 4, 1995.[42] Critics have noted a huge error in the "code" Drosnin claimed to have found, they note Drosnin used the Biblical verse Deuteronomy 4:42. Scholars note; "For example, citing again the passage intersecting with Rabin: that passage is from Deuteronomy 4:42, but Drosnin ignores the words immediately following "a murderer who will murder." What comes next is the phrase "unwittingly" (biveli da'at). This is because the verse deals with the cities of refuge where accidental killers can find asylum. In this case, then, the message would refer to an accidental killing of (or by) Rabin and it would therefore be wrong. Another message (p. 71) supposedly contains a "complete" description of the terrorist bombing of a bus in Jerusalem on February 25, 1996. It includes the phrase "fire, great noise," but overlooks the fact that the letters which make up those two words are actually part of a larger phrase from Genesis 35:4 which says: "under the terebinth that was near Shechem." If the phrase does tell of a bus bombing, why not take it to indicate that it would be in Nablus, the site of ancient Shechem?" [43]

Drosnin also made a number of claims and alleged predictions that have since failed. Among the most important, Drosnin clearly states in his book "The Bible Code II", published on December 2, 2002, that there was to be a World War involving a "Atomic Holocaust" that would allegedly be the end of the world.[44] Another claim Drosnin makes in "The Bible Code II" is that the nation of Libya would develop weapons of mass destruction that they would then be given to terrorists who would then use them to attack the West (specifically the United States).[45] In reality Libya improved relations with the West in 2003 and gave up all their existing weapons of mass destruction programs.[46] A final claim Drosnin made in "The Bible Code II" was that Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat would allegedly be assassinated by being shot to death by gunmen which Drosnin specifically stated would be from the Palestinian Hamas movement.[47] This prediction by Drosnin also failed, as Yasser Arafat died on November 11, 2004[48] of what was later declared to be natural causes (specifically a stroke brought on by an unknown infection).[49][50] The only conspiracy theories about Yasser Arafat allegedly being murdered have been made by a few Palestinian figures, and have involved alleged poisoning that was supposed to have been on the orders of Israeli officials. The only alleged Palestinian collaboration in this conspiracy theory involve two leading Palestinian figures from the Palestinian Fatah movement; those are current Palestinian Authority and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas and Mohammed Dahlan the former head of Fatah in Gaza.[51] Writer Randy Ingermanson criticized Drosnin by stating that; "And that's all they are, even for Drosnin -- possibilities. He believes that the future is not fixed, and that the Bible code predicts all possible outcomes. Which makes it not much of a predictive tool, but again, he seems not to mind this very much. If you are laying bets based on Drosnin, you had better be willing to bet on all possible outcomes." [52]

Some accuse him of factual errors, claiming that he has much support in the scientific community,[53] mistranslating Hebrew words[54] to make his point more convincing, and using the Bible without proving that other books do not have similar codes.[55]

Responding to an explicit challenge from Drosnin, who claimed that other texts such as Moby-Dick would not yield ELS results comparable to the Torah, McKay created a new experiment that was tuned to find many ELS letter arrays in Moby-Dick that relate to modern events, including the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. He also found a code relating to the Rabin assassination, containing the assassin's first and last name and the university he attended, as well as the motive ("Oslo", relating to the Oslo accords).[56] Drosnin and others have responded to these claims, saying the tuning tactics employed by McKay were simply "nonsense", and providing analyses[57] to support their argument that the tables, data and methodologies McKay used to produce the Moby Dick results "simply do not qualify as code tables".[58]

Skeptic Dave Thomas claimed to find other examples in many texts. While Thomas' methodology was alleged to have been refuted by Robert Haralick[59] and others, Thomas's criticisms were aimed at Drosnin, whose methodology was actually far worse. (In fact, Drosnin's example of "Clinton" in his first book violated the basic Bible Code concept of "Minimality"; Drosnin's "Clinton" was a completely invalid "code"). In addition, McKay claimed that Drosnin had used the flexibility of Hebrew orthography to his advantage, freely mixing classic (no vowels, Y and W strictly consonant) and modern (Y and W used to indicate i and u vowels) modes, as well as variances in spelling of K and T, to reach the desired meaning. In his television series John Safran vs God, Australian television personality John Safran and McKay again demonstrated the "tuning" technique, demonstrating that these techniques could produce "evidence" of the September 11 terrorist attacks on New York in the lyrics of Vanilla Ice's repertoire. Additionally, "coded" references in non-Torah Bible texts, as for instance the famous Number of the Beast, do not use the Bible code technique. And, the influence and consequences of scribal errors (e.g., misspellings, additions, deletions, misreadings, ...) are hard to account for in the context of a Bible coded message left secretly in the text. McKay and others claim that in the absence of an objective measure of quality and an objective way to select test subjects, it is not possible to positively determine whether any particular observation is significant or not. For that reason, most of the serious effort of the skeptics has been focused on the scientific claims of Witztum, Rips and Gans.

Other types of Bible codes

Another example of an alleged prediction coded in the text of the Bible, which is also attributed to Rabbi Chaim Michael Dov Weissmandl (who was mentioned above),[60] concerns the hanging of 10 Nazi leaders on 16 October 1946 following the Nuremberg Trials. Rabbi Weissmandl claimed that this event was predicted by the Biblical story about the hanging of the 10 sons of Haman, also as a final consequence of a (failed) genocidal plan against the Jews. The "coded" aspect of his speculation is that in the Masoretic text of the Bible, three letters within the list of Haman's sons are marked as small letters:[61] the tav ת of Parshandatha, the shin ש of Parmashtha and the zayin ז of Vajezatha. Rabbi Weissmandl pointed out that if you combine the three small letters together they form the word תשז, which in the accepted Hebrew notation for year numbers (using Gimatria) corresponds to the Jewish year [5]707 Anno Mundi,[62] which is the Jewish year that the 10 Nazi leaders were executed (October 16, 1946 corresponds to Tishrei 21, 5707, the day known as Hoshanna Rabba, the day of severe judgments for the nations of the world, according to the Jewish calendar).[63][64] Many people criticize various aspects of this speculation.[65][66][67][68][69][70] They point out that there are several different traditions about what are the small letters in the names of Haman's sons. Also they point out that the proponents only mention the similarities between the cases, but ignore the many differences. More in general they point out that this is not exactly an a priori prediction, but rather a postdiction, and therefore the statistical significance of it, if there is any at all, cannot be reliably calculated.

( source: )

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Bíblia - Código Secreto



BÍBLIA não é apenas um livro - é também um programa computacional. Foi originalmente insculpida na pedra e manuscrita num rolo de pergaminho, por fim impressa em forma de livro, à espera da invenção do computador para poder ser compreendida integralmente. Agora pode ser lida como sempre foi pretendido que fosse lida.

Para descobrir o código, Rips teve de eliminar todos os espaços entre as palavras, transformando a Bíblia original num fio contínuo de letras, com a extensão de 304.805 letras.

Ao fazê-lo estava, na verdade, a restaurar a Tora segundo o que os grandes sábios dizem que ela era na sua forma original. De acordo com a tradição, foi assim que Moisés recebeu a Bíblia de Deus - «contígua, sem divisão de palavras».

O computador pesquisa esse fio de letras em busca de nomes, palavras e frases ocultos pelo código de espaços. Começa na primeira letra da Bíblia e procura todas as possíveis sequências - palavras obtidas com intervalos de 1,2,3, e assim sucessivamente, até vários milhares. Depois repete a busca, começando na segunda letra, e assim, sucessivamente, até chagar à última letra da Bíblia.

Depois de encontrar a palavra-chave, o computador pode então procurar informações afins. Frequentemente encontra nomes, datas e lugares correlacionados codificados em conjunto - Rabin, Amir, Telavive, o ano do assassínio, tudo no mesmo lugar.

O computador regista a correspondência entre palavras, fazendo dois testes: o grau de proximidade com que aparecem juntas e se os saltos gerados pelas palavras procuradas são os mais curtos.

Rips explicou como isto funciona, usando a guerra do Golfo como exemplo.

- Pedimos ao computador que procurasse Saddatn Hussein - disse ele. - Então procurámos palavras aparentadas para vermos se apareciam juntas de maneira matematicamente relevante. Com a guerra do Golfo encontrámos «Scuds» com mísseis russos e, codificada com o nome Hussein, a data em que a guerra começaria.

As palavras formavam um quebra-cabeças. De uma forma consistente, o código da Bíblia aproxima entre si palavras interligadas que revelam informações correlativas. Com Bill Clinton, presidente. Com o desembarque na Lua, nave especial e Apollo 11. Com Hitler, nazi. Com Kennedy, Dallas.

Após inúmeras experiências, as palavras cruzadas foram apenas encontradas na Bíblia. Não foram encontradas em Guerra e Paz, nem em qualquer outro livro, nem em 1 O milhões de testes gerados por computador.

Segundo Rips, há uma infinidade de informações codificadas na Bíblia. Sempre que é descoberto um novo nome, palavra ou frase, formam-se novas palavras cruzadas. As palavras afins aparecem na vertical, na horizontal e na diagonal.

Podemos usar o assassínio de Rabin como exemplo. Primeiro, pedimos ao computador para pesquisar na Bíblia o nome «Yitzhak Rabin». Apareceu uma única vez, com uma sequência de intervalos de 4772.

O computador dividiu a Bíblia inteira - o fio completo de 304.805 letras - em 64 filas de 4772 letras. O quadro anterior é um aspecto do centro dessa matriz. No meio da imagem encontra-se o nome «Yitzhak Rabin», com cada letra rodeada por um círculo.

Se «Yitzhak Rabin» fosse revelado por um código de intervalos de 10, então cada fila teria uma extensão de 10 letras. Se fossem 100 intervalos, então as filas teriam uma extensão de 100 letras. E, sempre que as filas são reordenadas, cria-se um novo conjunto de palavras e frases interligadas.

Cada palavra de código determina a maneira como o computador apresenta o texto da Bíblia e as palavras cruzadas que se formam. Há 3000 anos, a Bíblia foi codificada de forma que a descoberta do nome «Rabin» revelasse automaticamente informações correlativas.

Cruzando o nome «Yitzhak Rabin», descobrimos as palavras «assassino assassinará», que aparecem no quadro que se segue, com cada letra metida num quadrado.

As probabilidades de o nome completo de Rabin aparecer juntamente com a profecia do seu assassínio eram apenas de 1 para 3000. Os matemáticos dizem que 1 para 100 já é improvável. O teste mais rigoroso jamais usado é de 1 para 1000.

Voei para Israel, para avisar Rabin, em 1 de Setembro de 1994. Mas só um ano depois de ele ter sido assassinado encontrámos o nome do assassino. «Amir» estava codificado no mesmo lugar que «Yitzhak Rabin» e «assassino que assassinará».

o nome de Amir estava ali há 3000 anos, à espera de ser detectado. Contudo, o código da Bíblia não é uma bola de cristal - não é possível encontrar seja o que for se não se souber o que se procura.

É claro que isto nada tinha a ver com Nostradamus nem com «uma estrela nascerá a oriente e um grande rei será destituído», palavras que poderiam mais tarde ser lidas por forma a significarem fosse o que fosse que na verdade acontecesse.

Pelo contrário, havia pormenores tão precisos como na história noticiada pela CNN: o nome completo de Rabin, o nome do assassino, o ano em que foi assassinado - tudo isto, com excepção de Amir, descoberto antes de ter acontecido.


O TEXTO corrente, tanto do Antigo como do Novo Testamento, profetiza que a «batalha final» terá início em Israel, com um ataque à Cidade Santa, Jerusalém, acabando por envolver o mundo inteiro.

No Livro do Apocalipse isso surge expresso da seguinte maneira: «Satanás será libertado da prisão e sairá a enganar as nações que se encontram espalhadas pelos quatro cantos da Terra, Gog e Magog, para as ajuntar na batalha. Cercaram o arraial do povo do Senhor e a cidade amada. Mas desceu fogo do céu e devorou-os.»

No código da Bíblia só uma palavra se adapta tanto a «guerra mundial» como a «holocausto atómico» - «Jerusalém».

No dia em que Rabin foi assassinado encontrei as palavras «todo o seu povo à guerra» codificadas na Bíblia. O aviso de guerra total encontrava-se oculto na mesma matriz de código que previa o assassínio.

«Todo o seu povo à guerra» aparecia mesmo por cima de «assassino assassinarás no mesmo sítio que «Yitzhak Rabin».

Apanhei imediatamente um avião de regresso a Israel. O assassínio de Rabin modificou tudo. Foi o primeiro momento em que o código da Bíblia me pareceu totalmente real, o momento em que o que se encontrava codificado se tomou um facto de vida ou de morte. E agora o código avisava que o país inteiro corria perigo.

Enquanto Israel chorava a morte de Rabin, fiquei a trabalhar com Eli Rips na sua casa nos arredores de Jerusalém.

Tentámos descodificar os pormenores do novo vaticínio «todo o seu povo à guerra».

Rips e eu procurámos no código da Bíblia sinais de um conflito catastrófico. Ainda não sabíamos que o código avisava que iria haver um ataque atómico a Jerusalém. Ainda não tínhamos encontrado «guerra mundial».

Porém, na primeira busca do computador encontrámos as palavras «holocausto de Israel». O «holocausto» estava codificado uma vez no versículo do Genesis onde o patriarca Jacob diz aos filhos o que acontecerá a Israel no «fim dos tempos».

- A primeira questão é quando - disse Rips, que verificou imediatamente os cinco anos seguintes, cada ano do resto do século. De súbito empalideceu e mostrou-me os resultados.

O ano hebraico que estava a decorrer, 5756- o final de 1995 e a maior parte de 1996 no calendário moderno -, aparecia no mesmo lugar que o novo «holocausto» vaticinado.

Era um quadro assustador. O ano estava associado a «holocausto de Israel». Tratava-se de uma combinação perfeita. «5756» aparecia no versículo da Bíblia em que se encontrava codificado o «holocausto».

O ano 2000, 5760 do calendário antigo, era também uma boa combinação. Mas o último ano do século parecia distante naquele momento. Na segunda semana de Novembro de 1995, nos dias que se seguiram ao assassínio de Rabin, o facto mais importante foi a nítida modificação do «holocausto» associada ao ano em curso.

- Quais são as probabilidades de isso acontecer por acaso? - perguntei a Rips. 1 em 1000 - respondeu-me.

- Que pode causar um holocausto na Israel moderna? - perguntei-lhe.

- A única coisa que podíamos imaginar era um ataque nuclear. Encontrámo-lo então codificado na Bíblia, uma assustadora afirmação de perigo moderno no antigo texto «holocausto atómico».

«Holocausto atómico» aparecia uma única vez. Três anos dos cinco seguintes estavam codificados no mesmo sítio - 1996, 1997 e o ano 2000. Mas, mais uma vez, o ano que nos prendeu a atenção foi o ano em curso, 5756. «Em 5756» estava codificado logo acima de «holocausto atómico».

- Quais são as probabilidades de isso acontecer duas vezes por acaso? - perguntei.

- 1 em 1.000.000 - respondeu Rips.

Havia indicações de perigo em todo o resto do século e mais para além. Se o código da Bíblia estivesse certo, Israel correria riscos sem precedentes durante, pelo menos, cinco anos.

Mas só um outro ano estava tão claramente codificado com «holocausto atómico» como 1996 - 1945, o ano de Hiroxima.

Debruçámo-nos novamente sobre a frase «todo o seu povo à guerra» que surgia com o assassínio de Rabin. As mesmas palavras - «todo o seu povo à guerra» - estavam também codificadas com «holocausto atómico». De facto, essas palavras apareciam três vezes no texto da Bíblia e estavam codificadas duas vezes com «holocausto atómico».

Rips calculou de novo as probabilidades. Mais uma vez eram inferiores a 1 para 1000.

Perguntei a Rips que probabilidades havia de cada elemento do perigo profetizado - a guerra, o holocausto, o ataque atómico - não estar codificado.

- Não é possível fazer o cálculo - respondeu Rips. Mas é na ordem de um para muitos milhões.

O código da Bíblia parecia profetizar um novo holocausto, a destruição de todo um país. Se eclodisse uma guerra nuclear no Médio Oriente, isso poderia desencadear um conflito global, talvez uma guerra mundial.

E os acontecimentos profetizados estavam de facto a acontecer como haviam sido vaticinados. Um primeiro-ministro estava já morto. Não podia ficar à espera para ver se a próxima profecia também se realiza.

Tínhamos informação que podia ter salvo Rabin, mas que não conseguiu impedir o assassínio. Agora tínhamos informação que podia impedir uma guerra. Em minha opinião, estávamos perante uma situação bizarra. Casualmente, tinha-se-me deparado um código na Bíblia que revelava acontecimentos futuros. Mas não era religioso, não acreditava em Deus e nada daquilo fazia sentido para mim.

Tinha trabalhado como jornalista par o «Washington Post» e o «Wall Street Journal». Tinha escrito um livro baseado em 10. documentos, estava habituado a factos difíceis nas nossas três dimensões. Não era estudioso da Bíblia. Nem sequer falava hebraico, a língua da Bíblia e do código Tinha de aprender tudo isso desde o início.

Mas encontrara o assassínio de Rabin codificado na Bíblia. Praticamente mais ninguém sabia que esse código existia. Só Rips sabia que ele também parecia prever um ataque atómico, um novo holocausto, talvez uma guerra mundial. E ele era matemático, não era jornalista. Não tinha experiência de lidar com figuras proeminentes de governos. Não se mostrara disposto a avisar Rabin. Não estava preparado para informar o novo primeiro-ministro, Shimon Peres.

Os meus instintos de jornalista diziam-me que este novo perigo não podia ser real. Todos os dirigentes árabes tinham comparecido no funeral de Rabin. A paz parecia mais segura do que no final de 1995.

«Todo o seu povo à guerra» parecia uma ameaça muito remota. Não havia uma verdadeira guerra desde que Israel derrotara o Egipto e a Síria em 1973. Não havia qualquer sublevação interna desde que a Intifada terminara com o aperto de mão Rabin-Arafat em 1993. Não havia ataques terroristas dignos de menção desde a criação do Estado moderno depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Um «holocausto atómico» parecia altamente improvável. Uma «guerra mundial» era algo de inacreditável. Mas também nunca acreditara que Rabin fosse assassinado. Só sabia que o seu assassínio estava codificado. E agora Rabin estava morto. Fora assassinado, exactamente como havia sido profetizado, em 5756, o ano hebraico que teve início em Setembro de 1995.

Olhei de novo para as novas folhas impressas. «A próxima guerra» estava codificada uma vez na Bíblia. «Será depois da morte do primeiro-ministro», afirmava o texto oculto. Os nomes «Yitzhak» e «Rabin» estavam codificados no mesmo versículo.

Agora tinha a certeza de que o código da Bíblia revelava o futuro. Continuava, porém, sem saber se cada profecia se realizaria. E também não sabia se o futuro poderia ser alterado.

Estava eu sem conseguir dormir a perguntar-me como poderia ter acesso a Shimon Peres e que iria dizer-lhe quando de súbito me surgiu a resposta para a pergunta principal.

Em hebraico, cada letra do alfabeto é também um número. As datas e os anos podem ser escritos com letras e no código da Bíblia aparecem sempre desta maneira. As mesmas letras que representavam o ano em curso, 5756, também formavam uma pergunta.

As letras que representavam os algarismos 5756, o ano do holocausto vaticinado, também representavam uma frase que era um desafio para todos nós - «Poderá isso ser alterado?»

Letras a esmo

PARA entender a arbitrariedade de algumas leituras de O Código da Bíblia, é necessário ter uma ideia de como a Bíblia está escrita no original A escrita do hebraico, tal como a do árabe, apenas retém as consoantes, o que, não oferecendo dificuldade aos falantes, torna impossível a pronúncia a quem não conheça a língua. Para palavras estrangeiras, ou em raros casos que podem provocar confusão, podem ainda usar-se três consoantes, o «aleph», o «yod» e o «waw» (para usar os nomes hebraicos) para «a», «i» e «u». ‘St ‘ psvl, perdão, isto é possível devido à estrutura das línguas semitas: em termos grosseiros, podemos dizer que cada esfera de sentido, amar, comer, falar, por exemplo, é dada por um conjunto de três consoantes, a chamada raiz triliteral, enquanto a função gramatical, amado, comida, falador, é dada pelo esquema vocálico, eventualmente com sufixos ou prefixos. O particípio presente, por exemplo, tem sempre a primeira sílaba em «a» e a segunda em «e». Assim, a raiz para a ideia de falar é D-B-R; «aquele que fala» é MDaBer, em que as vogais indicam o particípio presente e o «M» é um prefixo que indica uma nuance do verbo. Pode parecer complicado, mas qualquer estudante, ao fim de cinco lições, começa a achar normal ler as frases que conhece escritas sem vogais. Se repararmos que «talho» e «telha» têm a mesma sequência de consoantes, vemos a diferença de estrutura entre a nossa língua e as línguas semitas.

Se escrevermos um texto hebraico sem separação de palavras, poderemos sempre isolar um razoável grupo de letras seguidas que formem palavras isoladas - embora já seja mais difícil acontecer a possibilidade de encontrar duas frases completas com sentidos diferentes (algumas dúvidas de leitura de poucas passagens da Bíblia tiveram que ver com isto). Quem diz letras seguidas diz letras igualmente espaçadas: potencialmente, cada conjunto de três letras é portador de sentido, mesmo se nem todas as combinações existem efectivamente na língua.

Ora, o que Rips e Dosnin fazem é precisamente terem reunido as letras igualmente espaçadas que formam o nome que procuram, vão em busca de palavras soltas que se relacionem com esse nome: o único limite é que o intervalo entre as letras seja constante; mesmo assim, conseguem sempre qualquer coisa, como se pode calcular pelo que atrás dissemos

Quando não viram a sequência de letras ao contrários Assim o nome do assassino de Rabin, 'Amir, não está lá: o que está é RYM ‘. Na passagem sobre a extinção dos dinossauros, que referimos noutro local (ver «Antes do Mundo»), encontram a palavra «Rahab», nome de um monstro primordial em Isaías, ao pé de «asteróide»: mas, para isso, tornam a inverter a ordem de leitura. Em qualquer dos casos – e há mais – as outras palavras continuam a ser lidas normalmente, isto é, no caso do hebraico, da direita para a esquerda. As palavras lidas na vertical semelhantemente, tanto o são de baixo para cima como de cima para baixo. Nada no modelo permite predizer os casos em que se deve escolher um ou outro sentido de leitura, o mesmo é dizer que estamos no meio do arbitrário total. Com os nomes estrangeiros, passa-se algo de semelhante: ou se retém apenas a estrutura consonântica, ou se tomam em conta as três consoantes auxiliares de leitura. E que dizer do americanismo de Quem se refere a Los Angeles como La Calif?. A mesma liberdade se toma com as variantes ortográficas do hebraico antigo- nuns casos é YeRuSHaLaYM como YeRuSHaLaiM, quando não a designação metafórica Ariel. Encontram-se no texto as duas ortografias e a metáfora: o problema não é esse, é que nada é predizível pelo modelo, e sem predicatabilidade não há método. nem ciência.

A falácia e a prova

Texto de RUI ROCHA

RARAS são as vezes em que as ciências humanas têm ocasião de mostrar o seu rigor próprio face às ciências exactas e à matemática. A vertigem provocado pela leitura de O Código da Bíblia, do jornalista americano Michael Drosnin, provém da nossa fé na verdade matemática. Conta-se que Napoleão, visitando o Observatório, perguntou ao astrónomo Laplace, que lhe explicara o seu sistema astronómico: «E Deus?», ao que o cientista lhe respondera: «Senhor, não tive necessidade dessa hipótese.» O método estatístico desenvolvido pelo matemático Eliyahu Rips que Drosnin apresenta traz a questão inversa: desenha matematicamente o dedo de Deus. A questão de saber de Quem exactamente é o dedo - Deus para Rips, talvez um ET para Drosnin - tomasse irrelevante perante a conclusão directa: a Bíblia é um texto revelado. O método de Rips permitiria assim realizar o sonho de todos os apóstolos: um modo seguro e infalível de saber qual a religião verdadeira. O sistema das letras equidistantes aplicado ao Alcorão não prevê a ascensão da casa de Saud, a queda do Muro ou a viagem de Gagarine? Então é porque o Alcorão não é «revelado». E os Veda? O cânone pali? Por razões ligadas à escrita de cada língua (ver «Letras a esmo»), seria interessante aplicar o método, pelo menos, ao Alcorão. As implicações em termos de fanatismo são assustadoras.

Porque tudo se baseia numa falácia. A prova que Rips, Drosnin e os diversos estatísticos citados apresentam é, à primeira vista, perturbante: as co-ocorrências das palavras detectadas têm uma probabilidade baixíssima de ocorrer por acaso, 1 em 2000, por vezes 1 em 5 milhões, quando o critério de fiabilidade científica se situa habitualmente em 1 /1 000. O curioso é que esta impressionante indicação da presença de uma intenção não quer dizer nada. Absolutamente nada. Por razões específicas de que apresentamos à parte dois exemplos, e por uma razão geral: a probabilidade de acertar no totoloto é de 1 para 13 milhões, segundo dizem os jornais. E, no entanto, há quem ganhe; e, no entanto, ninguém considera isso sinal de uma indicação divina. Num diálogo narrado por Drosnin entre ele e Rips, este explica que não há limite para o número de co-ocorrências, apesar do número finito de caracteres da Tora. E é aqui que se revela a falácia básica, não do método, mas da sua utilização: o chamado «wishful thinking», como quem diz, ir à procura do que se quer encontrar. O problema não é a proximidade entre as palavras «Clinton» e «presidente»; é saber se não estão também próximas palavras como «servo» e «Satã», numa agradável confirmação da opinião iraniana sobre a América, ou se as palavras «santo» e «Deus» não andarão por perto do nome de Amir, o assassino de Rabin. É que ' dada a estrutura da escrita hebraica, e as liberdades que com ela são tomadas, a escolha das palavras significativas é totalmente dependente da intenção de sentido daquele que as procura. A probabilidade da co-ocorrência pode ser medida depois, mas o método não permite definir previamente quais as escolhas a reter e quais a eliminar: isto é, não há maneira de determinar as sequências de letras relevantes se não se souber hebraico, como quem diz, se o sentido não preexistir à descoberta. Em resumo: não há método algum e, contra isto, não existe probabilidade estatística que valha.

E quando, nas págs. 176/177, o autor nos apresenta primeiro a profeciado holocausto nuclear, depois a ocorrência da pergunta «Poderá isso ser alterado?» e, em segunda ocorrência, a resposta «Isso pode ser alterado», a conclusão descomprometida só pode ser uma: as três frases em conjunto anulam-se umas às outras, isto não quer dizer nada. Em vez de passar de jornalista a estatístico, Michael Drosnin teria feito bem em tirar um curso básico de epistemologia.

(Michael Dosnin, O Código da Bíblia, Gradiva, 1997,264 págs.)

UM DOS MAIS curiosos pormenores do Código da Bíblia é a datação usada. Mais curioso ainda é que os autores achem normalíssimo que um código que prevê tudo, desde o início à consumação dos tempos, use a era hebraica, também conhecida por «annomundi», ou ano do Mundo: obtém-se somando 3760 anos à era cristã, a que se usa no Ocidente, e provém de eruditos e tardios cálculos feitos por doutores da Lei, já depois da destruição do Terceiro Templo, que a partir da duração das gerações indicados na Bíblia procuraram a data da Criação. Nos tempos bíblicos, aliás, não existia pretensão de cronologia absoluta e usavam o ano ordinal da subida ao trono do soberano, embora se note no Livro de Reis, anterior ao exílio da Babilónia, a tentativa de criar uma datação a partir da fuga do Egipto (embora com uma base puramente convencional, pois tinham já perdido a memória dos séculos passados).

Mas não há, aparentemente, dúvidas: para o misterioso Codificador, a data que vale é a da criação do Mundo, 3760 anos antes da Encarnação de Cristo (que não foi no ano 1, diga-se de passagem). Fica-nos uma terrível dúvida: como os navegadores do Código encontraram também a indicação de que os dinossauros tinham sido destruídos por um asteróide, e sabendo-se que os bichos desapareceram há cerca de 60 milhões de anos, como é que é a data correspondente: 59 milhões Antes do Mundo?

Por outro lado convém notar que as letras em hebraico têm valor numérico, segundo a sucessão alfabética, as primeiras nove de 1 a 9, as nove seguintes de 10 a 90, as quatro restantes de 100 a 400 (usando-se algumas variantes na forma de certas letras para chegar a 900). Qualquer palavra é, pois, também um número; e qualquer número, uma palavra. E aqui tanto é lido da direita para esquerda, como da esquerda para a direita, de cima para baixo, ou de baixo para cima.

A tradicional Cabala é muito mais séria. As regras de substituição e permutação de letras são claramente definidas. O campo de aplicação das equivalências numéricas está claramente delimitado. Existem parâmetros formais de controlo. O que é mais grave nisto tudo é que não parece tratar-se de vigarice voluntária, mas sim de um genuíno convencimento, que só pode sair da mais completa impreparação intelectual. Rips será um grande estatístico e um indiscutível fanático: ignora é tudo de epistemologia e está completamente afastado da tradição viva da religião que professa - ou perceberia imediatamente o dislate formal do seu «código», em vez de ilustrar penosamente essa mistura de tecnologia moderna com ignorância teológica e cegueira espiritual que encontramos na prática dos fundamentalismos modernos. E Dosnin escusava de ilustrar tão descaradamente os piores estereótipos (injustos, como todos) sobre o nível cultural americano

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Michael Drosnin (born January 31, 1946) is an American journalist and author, best known for his writings on the Bible code.

Drosnin was born in New York City. He worked as a journalist for the Washington Post (1966–1968) and the Wall Street Journal (1969–1970). His first book, "Citizen Hughes", a biography of the American businessman Howard Hughes based on stolen documents, was published in 1985. Drosnin began researching the Bible Code in 1992 after meeting the mathematician Eliyahu Rips in Israel, and with Rip's associate Alexander Rotenberg. At the time Drosnin claims that he was not a religious person and was very skeptical about the Bible Code at first. He became convinced that it was important in 1994 when he found a code relating to the future assassination of Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in the Bible. Drosnin sent a warning to Rabin, and claims that he became even more convinced of the ability of the code to predict the future when Rabin was assassinated in 1995. In 1997 Drosnin published his most famous book, Bible Code, which asserts that the Bible Code predicts the future and that events can be affected by our actions. The book also states that many famous assassinations—both past and future—were foretold in the Bible, and that the code can be interpreted with the help of a computer program. The book also implies that extraterrestrials delivered the message of the Bible encoded with these prophesies,[1] and that the code contains predictions of disasters and an apocalypse to occur between 1998 and 2006. Drosnin wrote a second book in 2002 named The Bible Code II:The Countdown.

His new book The Bible Code III: Saving the World (October 2010), is also in the market.


Drosnin has been criticized by some who believe that the Bible Code is real but that it cannot predict the future.[2] Some accuse him of factual errors, incorrectly claiming that he has much support in the scientific community,[3] mistranslating Hebrew words[1] to make his point more convincing, and using the Bible without proving that other books do not have similar codes.[4] Drosnin challenged his critics to find a code similar to the Bible Code in the notable novel Moby Dick. An article published in the "teaching aids" section of the Dartmouth College math department's "Chance" program, claims that Brendan McKay has found equidistant letter sequences (ELS's) in Moby Dick which approximate the alleged prediction of the assassination of Rabin.[5] Drosnin has responded to these claims, saying that the Moby Dick code results are simply "nonsense'; he said codes found in the Bible Code were "truth" and contained real predictions.[6]

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Allen Greenfield Selected Works

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Allen H. Greenfield (born 1946), also known by his ecclesiastical name Tau Sir Hasirim, is an American occultist, ceremonial magician, UFOlogist, writer, editor, and Gnostic Bishop of Ecclesia Gnostica Universalis[1] who resides in Atlanta, Georgia. His book The Story of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light is one of the few sources of information on this subject. His book The Compleat Rite of Memphis is a comprehensive history of an Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry, and he edited an authorized, annotated edition of the work Liber Thirty-One by Charles Stansfeld Jones.

He was elected and consecrated a Bishop by the Holy Synod of the Neopythagorean Gnostic Church in 1986. In 1987 he was extended recognition as a Bishop within the Gnostic Catholic Church - Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and was consecrated in New York in November 1988.[2] His episcopal title "Tau" is sometimes abbreviated as "T" and prefixed to his legal name, and thus he may also be referred to as T Allen Greenfield. A former editor of the OTO journal LAShTAL, Greenfield has more recently become a critic of the Order's upper management. In February 2006, he called for their resignation and stepped down from all managerial duties in protest, issuing a strong criticism of the current Outer Head of the Order, William Breeze.[3]

A past (elected) member of the Society for Psychical Research and the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (from 1960), he has twice been the recipient of the "UFOlogist of the Year Award" of the National UFO Conference (1972 and 1992). He is a Borderland Science Research Associate (BSRA), and has conducted on-site UFO and alien abduction investigations in Brooksville, FL, Pascagoula, MS and Brown Mountain, NC. His book Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts was reviewed by Robert Anton Wilson in his book Everything is Under Control. This review discusses how Greenfield builds on the principles established in Carl Jung's 1952 book, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky. He is also a past President of the Atlanta Science Fiction Organization (ASFOII), and the editor of the periodical The Paraufologist.

He is the father of three sons. His eldest son, Alex Greenfield, is a network television writer and producer.[4]


"The future must be built from the best material of past and present, and on the grave of those elements in both which were/are adverse to human life and living." (quoted in Adler, p. 375)

"We are dulled by technological overload." (quoted in Adler, p. 393)

"The scientific establishment is an organized faith that contributes heavily to our present sorry state as a civilization." (quoted in Adler, p. 397)

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