quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2011

O Código Da Vinci Descodificado (Cracking the Da Vinci Code)

About The Author:

Simon Cox (December 11, 1966 -) is a British author who is the ex editor-in-chief of Into The DUAT magazine and previously also of "Phenomena" magazine in the US, he was the founder of Henu Productions. Cox is an alternative historian who researches the occult, conspiracy theory, secret societies, etc.

His first Book, Cracking The Da Vinci Code, was a worldwide bestseller and chart topper in several international markets.

In 2005, his book, Illuminating Angels & Demons, was featured in a documentary of the same name[1] released by Allumination FilmWorks[2][3] which featured Jim Marrs and others as contributing authors.

In 2006, Cox appeared in the documentary Richard Hammond and the Holy Grail.[4]

In 2006, the Fulcrum TV documentary "Da Vinci's Lost Code" was based on an idea and proposed book project by Simon Cox and G. Stephen Holmes.

Cox went on to co-author four A to Z series of books, with subjects comprising, Egypt, Atlantis, King Arthur & The Holy Grail and The Occult. Before these books were released, he compiled The Dan Brown Companion, for Mainstream Publishing in the UK.

Previous to being an author in his own right, Cox was a researcher within the ancient mysteries and alternate history genre. He worked as a primary researcher for such authors as, Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, David Rohl, Graham Philips, Andrew Collins, amongst many others. He went on to be the Editor in Chief of the US newsstand magazine, Phenomena, employing many of the leading lights of the genre as contributors, before writing his first book and becoming a full time author. He has authored and co-authored some eight books as of January 2010. Several more book projects are set to follow in 2012. Cox has over 25 foreign language editions of his books and several of his publications reached the top 20 in various international non-fiction sales charts. In 2006 and 2007, Cox, along with authors Ian Robertson and Mark Oxbrow developed and put on the live show, "Rosslyn & The Grail" at the acclaimed Edinburgh Fringe Festival, with the 2006 run being officially declared a sell-out and gaining several excellent reviews. Cox remains a well known speaker and lecturer, as well as having undertaken several television and radio interviews and appearances, including the BBC quiz show, Battle of The Books, as well as spots on Sky News in the UK. Cox has also auditioned and filmed for several production companies and television stations as a presenter and program lead. His first two books were both adapted for documentary production and subsequently released on DVD, both also having been broadcast on US and international cable and satellite television stations on a number of occasions, with his Illuminating Angels & Demons production becoming a regular and popular show on both A&E and The History Channel in the United States.

Until late 2010, Cox was also the editor of the internet based magazine, Into The DUAT, where he maintained a popular blog. This project has apparently been put on ice whilst he plans to launch a new publishing imprint. His last book, published on 15 October 2009 in the UK and November 3rd 2009 in the US, was Decoding the Lost Symbol, an expose and facts behind the fiction guide to the last Dan Brown best selling thriller, The Lost Symbol, with the Cox publication appearing just a few weeks after the Dan Brown original.

Cox currently runs a UK based publishing, production and new media company, Henu Publications, working with Susan Davies. Cox is at present working on several new book and visual production projects as well as many other non genre related areas. Cox is a keen Rugby Union watcher, as well as a fan of Newcastle United Football Club. He currently lives in Bedford, UK.

Extract Taken From Wikipedia

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